January '18

January '18

The Story

In January, the Supreme Sock Council decided it would be appropriate to wish all the Club members a Happy New Year. However, this phrase has become so commonplace that the Council decided that, instead, it would wish a New Year that is colorful and bright. But what use is making a wish if the “dye” has already been cast in this regard? The fact that this year over seven and a half billion people will blink their multi-colored irises; that over four hundred thousand types of flowering plants will blossom; and that the members of the Club will find twelve pairs of colorful socks in their mailboxes is certain and thus does not need to be wished. And so the question was: How do we go about this? The answer lies in your “receiver” (a.k.a. eyesight) and its correct utilization and fine-tuning. The probability of a weak reception is quite low with members of our Club, but every receiver may occasionally malfunction and we in Ponožkovice are, alas, also not immune to this ailment. The council has ruled that the colorfulness of the year does not depend on how many colors the world will show, but on how many we will see. And so we wish all members and non-members a pair of eyes wide open to all colors and fine-tuned to the reception of happy shades.


Ponožky v akci

J K Jan Kozel Sockfellow
J S Jan Skočdopole Sockfellow

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